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Exciting times!


Much has transpired since our last update and here are the top 3 highlights:

1. We are starting a new venture with SFU VentureLabs!

With funding from Mitacs, Dr. Daniel Gan received a 3-day intensive bootcamp on Lab2Market entreprise development and customer discovery with the aim to scale up Precision Social Prescribing for wider impact. Should Precision Social Prescribing become a social entreprise? How might we grow and sustain it? Have your say by booking a 20-minute chat here:

2. A community-generated place-based wellness model is now published

Over 12 focus groups, many older adults (you!) contributed to an approach to community wellbeing which we are calling "Connectedness, feeling At home, and joyful Play" (CAP). This model received the attention of several community health centres and is now published in Cities and Health. Email to request a copy or watch it in action:

3. We joined the Canadian Institute of Social Prescribing (CISP)!

Founded by Dr. Kate Mulligan, CISP is is a new national hub to link people and share practices that connect people to community-based supports and services that can help improve their health and wellbeing. Check out the webinar series starting March 13:

We'll update this newsletter regularly so follow for more ideas and tips for aging well! Become a BHIC Journey member today:



Precision UrbanLab

©2022 by Daniel R. Y. Gan, PhD

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