It's been a year since Dr. Daniel Gan received the 2021 CIHR Institute of Aging (IA) Research Excellence Prize as "top postdoc in the field of aging" in the words of Dr Jane Rylett, Director of CIHR-IA. And what a year it has been!
In partnership with various colleagues and community organizations, Dr. Gan initiated the Community-Engaged Research interest group with a series of Summer Webinars, Journal Clubs, and Peer-Mentoring Sessions. Check out a sneak peak here:
We also completed the 8-week multicomponent Brain Health in Community (BHIC) feasibility pilot, and presented findings at a Community Resource Linkage Workshop supported by multiple community partners. View a recording of the Workshop here:
Thank you, participants and collaborators, for contributing to the best year yet! Next up is a series of presentations, including methodological reflections, at the Gerontological Society of America, American Congress of Rehab Medicine, and the CIHR Healthy Cities conference. Stay tuned for updates on research outputs.